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All you people ever do is talk and form committees to Rockies Charlie Blackmon Signature shirt . Investigate and then have more meetings and form a new committee to discuss the findings of the. Michael Friedman what are you even talking about. How is my displeasure with the government for anyone refusing to take a definitive stance in any way a consequence of midterm elections? House of Representative’s reps. get picked? By-elections. The Democrats took the majority of the House of Representatives, they get to call the shots as far as investigations go, and enough people, like me, voted them into the office to in part, do what they are now doing!!!If they were allowed to have guns, a citizen could have stopped this before many children got hurt . The is he stabbed himself how both right and left to play both sides. First, right-wingers say to stop politicizing mass shooting but then are first to come on and do the same thing in their messages. People care more about politics in the first hours after more than the of these evil acts. To clarify I support them. It’s just tragic how some respond to these events though.were killed. No guns involved. See, evil people will find ways to do their evil no matter what laws are passed. Come back down to reality. Ask yourself. Do you really think in your wildest dreams that the American people want to put up with everyday chaos for four more years? This country is filled with. But it’s not enough of them to get trump re-election. If every able body gets out and votes blue. You know I don’t watch Fox news every day I watch a lot of YouTube and I work a lot I have a business and I also have a night job I work seven days a week about 70 hours a week what about ? I have four kids I bust my butt. are you crazy the VA is getting better? Do you go to the VA? I do I am a disabled vet. VA accountability act has made a huge difference.
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